
GetAppointmentsInRange(DateTimeRange,IEnumerable<ScheduleResource>) Method

Returns an enumerable list of objects representing all appointments which lie within the specified range, optionally filtering by one or more resources.
public override AppointmentQueryResult GetAppointmentsInRange( 
   DateTimeRange range,
   IEnumerable<ScheduleResource> resources


The date range to test.
Optional list of owners on which to filter. If a non-null value is specified, only appointments which belong to one of the specified owners is returned.

Return Value

An Infragistics.Scheduler.Data.AppointmentQueryResult object containing the result of the query. Note that for the ScheduleListDataSource class, the result of the query is available immediately upon return from the method, i.e., it is not necessary to handle the Infragistics.Scheduler.Data.OperationResultBase.Completed event. event

The GetAppointmentsInRange method implementation for the ScheduleListDataSource class executes the query synchronously; as such, the list of Infragistics.Scheduler.Data.AppointmentQueryResult.Appointments is fully populated before execution returns from the method.

Use this method to obtain a list of each Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment which intersects with the specified range, optionally filtered by one or more resources.


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also